Kadang-kadang yna suka menulis atau share sesuatu yg yna rasa bermanfaat untuk semua.. yna rasa hari ni nak menaip..yg berminat teruskan pembacaan..insya Allah ada ilmu untuk semua..
ada ketika kita rasa terlalu penat dengan ujian yg datang. Soalan-soalan yg selalu akan wujud dlm fikiran kita.. "Kenapa aku??" Semua pasti pernah tanya soalan tu pada diri sendiri kan.. apabila beban tugas di tempat kerja semakin berat + masalah peribadi, kita selalu tewas! Mula terasa down.. tipulah klu kata yna always think positf, always kuat.. ada masa2 tertentu kita akn rasa down jugak. Tapi kita perlu kuat walaupn kadang-kadang rasa tak mampu. Sebab apa?? Ada orang yg terima ujian lebih hebat daripada kita :)
just share satu artikel yang yna pernah baca. Yna ada copy keratan artikelnya.. Baca dan fahamkan..maybe
boleh membantu terutamanya jika kita perlu berdepan dengan situasi tu! ada
sahabat bertanya, bagaimana kita boleh handle dan bezakan urusan peribadi
dengan urusan kerja. bukan mudah sekacang sebut a, b, c..tapi klu kita x cuba kita x tau kemampuan
kita... yna x translate kan artikel ni..copy and paste terus khas utk korang. kita wanita yang hebat ;)
Maybe your
father was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness or your mother’s house
was burglarized. Perhaps your daughter is struggling in school, or your husband
just served you divorce papers or what ever...Life will throw you curve balls, and you may be
at work when it happens. Even if the personal crisis arises when you’re not in
the office—it will likely affect your work performance to some degree.
“Work cannot be the place where you spend all your time talking
about the crisis,” says Maggie Mistal, a
career consultant, radio host and speaker. “When you are working, you have got
to stay focused on the tasks at hand. Be a professional and get the work
done that really needs to get done.”
Marjie Terry of Great on the Job concurs.
“You should try to keep your personal crisis out of the workplace as much as
possible because it can become a burden and unnecessary distraction for others.
That being said, when you’re dealing with a longer-term crisis, you will likely
need to rearrange your workload and/or schedule.”
Shane, a career author, featured writer, speaker, and media and
marketing consultant says it’s impossible to completely separate your personal
life and work life–and therefore difficult to evade your crisis at work–but she
warns, “Don’t be a drama queen or a toxic person.”
“The more crisis and
disruption surrounds you, the more people will think of you that way,” Shane
says. “Come to work to work, leave the personal stuff at home and to your
outside support system as much as possible.”
But if the
crisis does creep into your work life, here’s how you should handle it:
your employer and/or boss.
“Most crises
take up time and energy, and therefore will have an impact on your work,” Terry
says. “Whenever you anticipate your work being affected, you need to inform
your boss or employer.”
Nancy Collamer, a career coach at MyLifestyleCareer.com,
says it depends on the crisis. In the case of a sudden, severe and dramatic
crisis, you should definitely tell your employer, she says.
“People tend to be highly
sympathetic in these types of situations and are often eager to help. Don’t
shut them out.” The question of whether or not to tell your employer in other
types of crisis situations is a bit more difficult to answer, she says.
A couple of questions to
consider: Is your employer supportive and someone who you can
trust? Is this a situation you feel comfortable discussing? Can you
realistically handle this situation during non-work hours?
“There is no
one right answer,” Collamer says. “On one hand, your employer might be more
supportive than you expect. Opening up a personal conversation might actually
help to build trust and improve your relationship. On the other hand, once the
proverbial cat is out of the bag, there is no turning back, and might sometimes
cause unintended consequences.”
that any crisis could affect your attitude toward work, your performance, your
availability, your level of energy or all of the above, Mistal says. “If your
work is going to be impacted, it’s best to let your boss know so that he or she
understands what you are going through and that you’re not just slacking off.“
also want to be clear about what you are asking for and why you’re telling your
employer about the crisis.
"easy to say but hard to do" betul kan? sebab tu perlunya rajin membaca. ada banyak buku-buku motivasi, ceramah-ceramah, ataupon "quotes" yang kdg2 tanpa kita sedar boleh berikan kita semangat, keep calm dlm berdepan dgn pelbagai situasi. Yna highlight kan ayat2 di atas yg mudah utk kita ambil as panduan. Daripada x suka menulis, x suka membaca automatik akan ter' suka! ;) Byk perkara yg yna belajar dlm kehidupan setelah diuji. Yg paling utama kita makin dekat dgn Maha Pencipta. Kalau dulu yna leka, lupa..tapi sekarang Alhamdulilah tiap detik mesti ingat..buat apa-apa pon ingat Tuhan. Byk2 buku..Al Quran is the best! "I'm not a perfect muslim tapi yna cuba cari bekalan utk bawa ke sana. Stop bercakap mcm ustazah hehehehe... malu ;) :)
Kesimpulannya, selagi kita mampu diam,diamkan..selagi boleh simpan..kita simpan..selagi boleh handle kita cuba...cuba sedaya upaya..yang terbaik. dan akhir sekali andai kita x mampu dah cover apa yg kita rasa..berterus terang lah..itu juga salah satu jln yang terbaik. Sekurang-kurangnya kita akan rasa lega. Bukan utk raih simpati tapi utk elakkan pandangan yg x baik. Tambah-tambah dalam urusan kerja yg perlu kita hadap setiap hari. Make sure lepas kita dah explain pd majikan/bos, prestasi kita makin meningkat dan bukan merosot....tercoroooottttt!! ingat tu ya :)
"Bos, i'm trying to be a professional but now.. i need to shared it!" done... mmg betul-betul terasa lepas beban atas bahu..mcm terlepas satu guni yg beratnya berkilo-kilo!! Siapa sangka org yg sentiasa senyum juga punya seribu masalah yg tersimpan, dan dia dapat kawal dengan baik. Tapi satu perkara bila kita berterus terang dengan apa yg berlaku. Kita perlu kuat berdepan dengan semua. Dengan cakap-cakap orang, pandangan orang.. masyarakat kita memang dah disajikan dengan suka "menjaga tepi kain orang". Yna x kata semua..tapi segelintir :) jadi mmg hidup dalam suasana masyarakat x kira apa pon yg kita lakukan, wlupon buruk dimata manusia, tapi baik di pandangan Allah itu yg paling utama. Di mata manusia, apa sahaja yang kita buat x kan pernah dapat memuaskan hati semua. So you decide to??
Uruskan setiap masalah dengan berhemah, jangan sesekali campur adukkan urusan peribadi dengan urusan kerja. Tipulah klu yna cakap x pernah bawa masalah kat tempat kerja..cumanya klu boleh, bila kita melangkah ja kaki ke tempat kerja..tinggalkan or campak semua guni berat yg kita pikul kat rumah or kat mana-mana cerok yg ada! sebagai contoh, klu stress.. kereta, tempat untuk yna luahkan perasaan. duduk dalam kereta lama-lama..pasang aircond..dengar zikir2, masa tu klu nak menangis..nangislah..yg penting kita sorang ja yg ada..x ada sapa nampak..kecuali Allah :) klu rasa selesa nak cerita pd family, teman, kekasih, suami bercerita la..lepaskan apa yg korang rasa..asalkan kita rasa selesa.
Yna bukan pakar motivasi hehe..sekadar menaip berkongsi apa yg yna rasa bermanfaat utk semua. Yang review dan sudi baca blog yna. mekasih byk ya..kdg2 entry celoteh yna ni karut marut hahahaha....tapi harapnya dapat bantu korang...x banyak sikit... Khas buat CikZara..get well soon sayang..ibu always doa pada Allah moga kesayangan ibu diberikan kekuatan yang tinggi just like me :) okey semoga kita jumpa lagi di lain entry...assalamualaikum....
"Jika merasakan ujian sebesar kapal,
maka Yakinlah nikmat Allah Sebesar Lautan"